Certain elements are very important for our lives. These essential elements include the clarity and concept of religion (Deen), the concept of knowledge (Ilm), the concept of humanity, and the concept of wisdom in life. Islamic education guides these essential elements of life i.e. humanity, wisdom, vision, knowledge, and justice beautifully and completely. Indeed, Islamic education is the comprehensive guide that allows a wolf and a goat to drink from the same port. Islamic education is the complete code of conduct.
Islamic Education & the religion Islam
Religion is important for all humans
around the globe because it’s a source of unity and boundness. All religions suggest
to people the best possible way of living life. Islam is also a religion just
like other religions around the globe. But the difference is that it is the
last and only complete code of conduct to spend life with peace and prosperity
here and for the hereafter. As it is revealed on the last Prophet of the chain
of prophecies which were around 124,000 who were sent by Allah almighty as our
Islamic education is a school of thought
that is based on Qur'an and sunnah. These are two types of pious books which
guides us towards Sirat-e-Mustaqeem (the right path). Qur'an is a Holy
book that Allah almighty revealed on Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) which
is the complete guide to live our life. Whereas, sunnah books explain the
revealed verses of the Holy Qur'an and tell about the way Prophet Hazrat
Muhammad (PBUH) spend his life with his companions and people around him.
Islamic education is an important and
compulsory part of our life. It is as important as all other disciplines and
specialities to pursue. Because it sets principles that are the fundamentals of
living a happy, prosperous, and peaceful life.
Islamic Education & the concept of Justice (Adal o Insaaf)
Justice is something that allows a wolf
and a goat to drink from the same port without fear and hunger. Islamic
education has principles that don’t allow any sort of tyranny and cruelty. Islamic
principles support protecting the weaker socioeconomic society and opposing the
Islamic education provides vision
and wisdom to think beyond self-actualization and self-needs. Islamic education
suggests individuals always think of life which is long-lasting. A never-ending
life that awaits the day of judgment. Life will start after the death of a temporary
world. Wisdom and vision of muimneen (those who follow Islamic education
principles properly) carry a supper judge with themselves who bound them to do
justice with themselves. And their supreme judge is their conscience (Zameer). Which
restrict them from doing anything which against the principles of Islam and its
education. That’s how people live happily, prosperously, and peacefully through
following principles of Islamic education in every bit of their life.