Isnad: The Sanad (chain) of narrators was carefully
studied. Each and every narrator was observed closely and his character investigated
into. His faith, memory, knowledge of the Quran and Arabic language, and
character had to be of the highest degree for the Muhaddith to accept his
Moreover, the chain was required to be complete and
uninterrupted. Each narrator was required to be known to the preceding and the
succeeding narrator. Otherwise, the chain would be disapproved, and also the
Hadith would be barred from being authentic. For this purpose, another branch
of Islamic science was developed, known as Asma al Rijal, (the science of men)
which comprised detailed investigations of the biographies of the narrators.
Matn: The text of the Hadith is called the Matn. It must be examined carefully. Each and every word must be scrutinized. The actual text of the Hadith has to conform to the Holy Quran and the already verified Ahadith. Also, it must be in the style and manner of the Holy Prophet (ï·º), as well as the literary style of the Arabs of that time.
This refers to the tongue spoken by the Messenger of Allah.
It should not have any modern words that didn't exist at the time of the
Messenger of Allah. There shouldn't be any vulgar or odd language that the
Messenger of Allah cannot be expected to use. It should not differ from
established laws of nature. If it clashed with any of these, it couldn't be
included in any authentic book.